Online Payments for Non‑Profits
Accept Credit Cards and Mobile Payments Anywhere
Jump Start your Fund‑raisers and Events
Sell tickets, reservations, raffle chances, and auction payments on-site or from any mobile device.
One-Time Donations
Take advantage of spur-of-the-moment generosity with quick and easy one-time donations on any mobile device.
Recurring Payments
Increase stability with automated recurring payments that are totally under the patron’s control.
Payment Cards
Provide students, residents, and club members with expense or payments cards they can preload and then use to pay.
Tickets and Events
Sell tickets and event registrations online and cut down on wasted time at the door.
Electronic Checks
Process electronic checks, providing flexibility to you and your community.
Cost Recovery
Recover processing costs (as allowed in your industry).
Quicklinks or Cart
Use quicklinks in the gateway or integrate with third party shopping carts.
Sign up sponsors anywhere, anytime with online sponsor packages.
There are lots of ways to configure donations and sales.
Here are a few demonstrations.

Accept one-time or recurring donations in person, online, contactless, mobile and in-app.

Manage rsvp’s, online ticket sales, seat management and more.

Product Sales
Sell products that support your cause, enhance group identity, and enable your cause.
Contact a Specialist
Or call — 866-207-3298